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Hygienology: Health and Hygiene

By Dr. Claude Matar

If you are interested in Health and Hygiene, then this article is just right for you. It is designed to promote learning through the effects of hygiene.


Hygienology is derived from the word “Hygiene”, which is derived from the Greek words “hygiḗ” (healthy) + “inos” (pertaining to) meaning “practices pertaining to the prevention of disease and disability and the effective, natural promotion of health” and the word “logos” meaning “knowledge or study of”. Therefore it is the study of health and hygiene, and the effects of hygiene on your health.

Hygienology is a non-medical, non-psychological, non-religious, and non-political approach to longevity, based on the lifestyle of Dr. Claude Matar’s centenarian grandfather George, who lived to be 106 and great grandmother Miriam, who lived to be 105, and great-great-grandmother who lived to be 116, and the many others populating the East Mediterranean region from ancient times till now.

The Study of Health and Hygiene

Hygienology is a practical attempt at bridging the ancient centenarian culture of the East Mediterranean to the inhabitants of the New World as they live and operate in their modern-day environments and at their individual readiness level.

Hygienology is the collective evidence-based tools applied to reverse Premature Subclinical Degeneration Syndrome (PSDS) so that a well, fit, slim life can be achieved for all. Premature Subclinical Degeneration Syndrome (PSDS) is a set of asymptomatic, concurrent risk factors that usually go unnoticed for many years before they suddenly turn into a life-threatening condition or even sudden death as their first sign. Approximately one out of every three adults over 45 years of age living in the US already have at least three of the PSDS risk factors.

Hygienology has been implemented as an award-winning program, at the Pasadena Weight Loss Center for over two decades, helping active, 50+-year-olds successfully delay disability and enjoy well, fit, slim, extended, happy, active, high-quality lives through good hygiene.



Hygienology coaching system is a 6-step, one-on-one, applied study of healthful longevity as it applies to one individual. It is delivered by highly qualified professionals, in the fields of life coaching, nutrition, active life, stress, etc. This coaching system is called KADACoR (an acronym for Knowledge, Agreement, Decision, Application, Correction, and Routine).

A Hygienology coach is a Certified Hygienology Practitioner (CHP), whose job is to help an individual observe his life and re-organize it so that he is in better control of his body and its state of wellness, fitness, and slimness for the rest of his, hopefully long, life.

Succeed through Hygiene.

The CHP can be best described as someone who acts as your vigilant sentry (vigil = alert, sent = observes) by being always alert, looking out for you, observing any situation that may cause you to get off your program (and eventually fail) and point you to the most applicable routine adjustment to address that particular situation.

A CHP draws on the established Hygienology coaching literature and abides by a well-developed CHP Code of Conduct that is designed to keep him/her focused and effective in the help he/she extends to you so that you are more skilled at being well, fit, and slim for life.

A CHP’s basic job is to help you, the Active Participant, or AP, read, agree with, decide to apply, apply and get corrected on every written coaching assignment he/she issues (also known as CAS, or Coaching Assignment Sheet) so it can be successfully applied, as second nature, requiring no more effort or attention, at which point the CHP moves the AP onto the next assignment as laid out in the Hygienology Coaching Scale. This is repeated until the whole scale has been safely and successfully climbed and the AP has been firmly established in his well, fit, slim, long life.


The culmination of over 3 decades of lifestyle medicine experience, is Dr. Matar’s program for those 50 and older, which he calls FIT50 Longevity Program, delivered here at the Pasadena Weight Loss Center. The program is designed to prevent and reverse what he termed: Premature Degeneration Syndrome (PDS). PDS is a set of asymptomatic, concurrent risk factors that usually go undiagnosed (subclinical) for many years before they suddenly turn into a life-threatening condition or even sudden death as their first sign. Approximately one out of every three adults over 45 years of age living in the US already have at least three of the PDS risk factors, already in clinical, diagnosable ranges, including high blood pressure, high LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, blood sugar level, stubborn midsection obesity, etc. Controlling these factors with the FIT50 program could reduce a person’s risk for sudden death due to a heart attack or a stroke by up to 80%. In fact, the purpose of the FIT50 program is to bring these values to what I consider to be “longevity ranges” which many of our program participants reach and maintain.

FIT50: Longevity through Hygiene

The FIT50 program achieves the above longevity values for its participants by helping them rebalance three specific modifiable lifestyle characteristics, which even when minimally modified, can significantly reduce the incidents of PDS and sudden death for American adults, namely: imbalanced nutrition, imbalanced activity, imbalanced body composition.

According to Dr. Matar, here are the minimal steps needed to rebalance the above unhealthy lifestyle characteristics and significantly increase one’s chances at a long healthy life:

Balancing Nutrition: Incorporate the correct daily servings of fruits and vegetables as recommended by your coach. The Fit50 Longevity Program will provide you with a professional nutritionist who will guide you with personalized meal plans to have a balanced diet. For example, training you on incorporating the right amount of leafy green and colored chunky vegetables with your meals and snacks to bring them into proper balance.

Balancing Activity: Have an exercise routine figured out for you. With the Fit50 Longevity Program, you experience advanced fitness testing utilizing Heart Rate Variability (HRV) technology, which helps determine your optimum personal heart rate for the right workout. Then, with professional supervision for accuracy in implementation and ongoing evaluation of results, do at least 3 weekly 30-minute sessions on advanced, computer-assisted equipment including the adaptive resistance exerciser (ARX®), the peak cardio trainer (PCT™), and the resisted range of motion (R-ROM™) stretching machine.

Balancing Body Composition: Achieve a healthy waistline of less than 38” for men and 34” for women. The Fit50 Longevity Program’s components, including advanced BodyGram™ segmental body composition technology and Styku® 3D full-body scanning technology, are designed to help your coach effectively guide you to proper fat mass, lean mass, water mass, and metabolism.

Changing Behavior, Health & Hygiene

Guided by the advanced technology available to the highly trained professionals at the Fit50 Longevity Program in Pasadena, committing to making minimal behavioral changes to your lifestyle, can help you be well, fit and slim for hopefully and long and fulfilling life.

Make the first step today by calling us at 626-325-2136 to finally experience a unique and simple, yet effective approach to true longevity.

Dr. Claude Matar received his MD in 1986. He then went on to earn his board certification in Naturopathic Medicine and Clinical Nutrition. Dr. Matar eventually left the medical field to pursue his growing interest in applied lifestyle education.

With over 3 decades of lifestyle medicine experience, Dr. Matar developed the FIT50 Longevity Program here at the Pasadena Weight Loss Center. Dr. Matar’s extensive research on the causes of what he termed: Premature Degeneration of Health, PDH, manifested for those in the 50-70 age group uncontrolled high blood pressure, uncontrolled high LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, or current smoking. Controlling these factors could reduce a person’s risk of heart attack or stroke by up to 80%.as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and stroke lead him to focus his patient education on three lifestyle characteristics which (if modified) prevent the causes of PDH and early death:

Imbalanced diet (what you eat and when you eat it)

Imbalanced Activity (how active you are, how much sleep you get, etc.)

Tobacco use (for those who smoke)

Understanding the Effects of Your Lifestyle

These causes are expressed through the risk factors of raised blood pressure, blood sugar levels, blood cholesterol, and increased belly fat, which explain the majority of heart disease, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, and some important cancers that the 50-70 age group experiences at an alarming rate.

In the US, about half (47%) of US adults have at least one of major risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes heart disease, stroke, and related conditions:

The 4 Healthy Lifestyle Characteristics which serve to prevent chronic disease include:

No smoking

Correct exercise

Proper diet

Healthy weight

Take the Necessary Steps for Health & Hygiene.

According to Dr. Matar, here are the extremely simple steps needed to take the top healthy lifestyle characteristics into action with our Fit50 Longevity Program:

Stop Smoking

Have an exercise routine figured out for you. With the Fit50 Longevity Program, you experience advanced testing, utilizing technology including Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which helps determine your optimum heart rate for the workout. Testing you not from published tables, but from your own exercise capabilities. Do at least 150 minutes of exercise weekly: 21 minutes of optimum exercise daily (7 days a week) or 30 minutes 5 days a week.

Incorporate the correct daily servings of fruits and vegetables. The Fit50 Longevity Program will provide you with a professional nutritionist who will guide you with proper meal plans to have a balanced diet. For example, incorporating the right amount of colored chunky vegetables with your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Achieve a healthy waistline of 38” for men and 34” for women. The Fit50 Longevity Program’s components, including supervised workouts and health coaching, will help you achieve a healthy weight.

Guided by the professionals at our Pasadena Weight Loss Center, making minimal behavioral changes to your health and hygiene, will help you see a tremendous amount of results. The Fit50 Longevity Program will teach you the small alterations needed to live a life full of wellness, verified by thousands of successful case studies. Make the first step today by calling us at (626) 472-2177 to finally experience a unique and simple, yet effective approach to a long healthy life.

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